Sunday, November 6th

Today in Worship Jr. we learned:

Monthly Question: Who am I thankful for? I am thankful for people who help me.

Bible Story: Aaron helped his brother Moses by holding up one of his tired arms while Hur held up the other. Exodus 17:8-13

Follow Up Activity: Pick an activity that requires your family to help each other in order to finish it, such as building with Legos . Repeat the word “help” often and thank your family for being such great helpers!

Memory Verse: “ Always give thanks to God!” Ephesians 5:20


Today in Kids Worship we learned:

Main Point: Jesus took my sins away!

Bible Story: Jesus’ death and resurrection – Found in Matthew, Mark, Luke and John

Discussion Starter: Share with your child a time when you were forgiven and how that felt. Ask them what they feel like when someone forgives them. Jesus died for us so that we could be forgiven of our sins. Take a minute to discuss what this means with your child and end with a prayer.

Memory Verse: “ Do not conform to the patterns of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.” Romans 12:2

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